About Us


Every Dollar Counts in the Fight Against Climate Change

Your financial choices have the power to combat climate change, but making the right decisions can be challenging. That’s where South Dartmoor Community Energy comes in. We serve as your compass for climate-conscious financial choices, helping you steer clear of fossil fuel investments and connect with companies, funds, and services that champion climate solutions.

Navigating the Maze of Trustworthy Resources

Our journey began when we, like you, attempted to align our finances with our environmental values. We encountered a perplexing landscape—whom can we trust for credible information? How do we effectively compare financial products? South Dartmoor Community Energy emerged from this need for clarity.

Unmasking Deceptive Climate Claims

Our exploration revealed a disheartening truth: many products boasting climate-friendly labels were, in fact, exacerbating the climate crisis. Some so-called ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) funds were tied to fossil fuel derivatives, and certain credit cards touted their ‘green’ status simply because they were compostable. These deceptive claims and products left us and countless others in the dark about where our personal finances were truly going.

Empowering Informed Financial Choices

South Dartmoor Community Energy is here to be your guide to climate-conscious banking and investing. We’re dedicated to helping you uncover the facts about your accounts and financial products. Are your savings inadvertently funding fossil fuels? Where can you find clean energy and climate solutions? Our platform is designed to reveal the truth behind your financial choices and empower you to invest in a future aligned with your values.

Understanding Your Financial Impact

It starts with knowledge. Our platform equips you with the information you need to understand the environmental implications of your financial decisions. We believe that when you know where your money is going, you can make more informed choices that reflect your commitment to sustainability.

Discover Climate-Friendly Banking

At South Dartmoor Community Energy, we’re on a mission to help you navigate the world of climate-friendly banking. We provide insights, resources, and expert guidance to ensure that your money is actively contributing to a sustainable future. Say goodbye to unintentional support for fossil fuel projects and hello to investments that align with your values.

Uncover Clean Energy and Climate Solutions

Wondering where to find clean energy and climate solutions? We’ve got you covered. Our platform connects you with the companies, funds, and services that are leading the charge in the fight against climate change. From renewable energy initiatives to sustainable investment opportunities, we’ll help you channel your financial resources into positive environmental impact.

Transparency Is Key

At South Dartmoor Community Energy, we value transparency above all else. Our commitment to honesty means that you can trust the information and guidance we provide. We’re not here to sell you financial products or push hidden agendas—we’re here to empower you to make choices that align with your values and create a better future for our planet.

Join Our Community of Climate-Conscious Individuals

Together, we can make a difference. Join our community of individuals who are committed to using their financial resources as a force for good. Let’s work together to build a brighter, more sustainable future. South Dartmoor Community Energy is your partner in making climate-friendly financial decisions that matter.

The Future Is Yours to Shape

Your financial choices today have the power to shape the future. By investing in clean energy, supporting climate solutions, and divesting from fossil fuels, you can be part of the solution to the climate crisis. Let South Dartmoor Community Energy be your guide on this important journey. Together, we can create a world where your money doesn’t just make cents—it makes a meaningful impact on our planet.


July 2024